In the modern world, information and mobile technology have already prevailed in dealing with individuals, legal entities and public organizations. Therefore, it is imperative that we also adapt our business operations, which can be simpler, cheaper, environmentally friendly, faster and, above all, more user-friendly.
Within the eSLOG project, we have prepared recommendations for XML documents: ePurchase Order, eDispatch Advice and eInvoice, which are the established forms in the exchange of business documents in Slovenia.
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia managed to connect the interests and experts of over 100 companies with the eSLOG project and combine them in the preparation and implementation of uniform Slovenian recommendations that enable companies to do business digitally. The result of the project is the standards for electronic documents: purchase order, dispatch advice and invoice. In 2014, the working group prepared version 1.6 of the eInvoice, and in 2016 we included elements for tax verification of invoices and prepared eInvoice version 1.6.1, and in 2018, as part of the ROSE project, we prepared an eInvoice version 2.0, which complies with the European EN 16931 standard.
The holder of the copyright for eSLOG recommendations is the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, while the National eInvoicing Forum and the S3P Section at the Association of Informatics and Telecommunications also play their part in the preparation and maintenance of the recommendations.
eSLOG eInvoice 1.6 and 1.6.1 (in Slovenian)
(valid only until October 2020):
eSLOG eInvoice 2.0 (Latest release August 2020)
(the documentation includes instructions, schematics and an example of use)
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