Slovenian National eInvoicing Forum

E Invoicing Forum web OK

The Forum is a consultative body in the field of eInvoicing at the national level, involving representatives of stakeholders of the economy (small, medium and large companies), the public sector, associations, chambers and educational institutions.

The Slovenian National eInvoicing Forum was established by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (CCIS) and the Public Payments Administration of the Republic of Slovenia (PPA) with the aim of active management and coordination in the introduction and popularization of the positive effects of eInvoices.

The main goals of the Slovenian National eInvoicing Forum are to encourage the use and to reach a critical mass of users in the process of eInvoice exchange, which will adapt to a more modern and simplified way of doing business.

European Forum

The Slovenian eInvoicing Forum is a member of the European Multi-Stakeholder Forum on Electronic Invoicing (EMSFEI), which promotes the widespread use of eInvoices in the Member States and facilitates the exchange of experience and good practices in cross-border eInvoicing. The representatives of Slovenia in the European Forum are Jorgo Bertalanič (CCIS) and Rok Bojanc (ZZI).


Decisions and recommendations
  • At its 11th meeting on 5 December 2019, the Forum decided to discontinue the eSLOG eInvoice 1.6 and 1.6.1 standards as of 1 October 2020.
  • The proposal of the Forum is to regulate mandatory exchange of eInvoices between legal entities, which should enter into force in 2021.
  • At its 10th meeting on 27 November 2018, the Forum decided to apply the new national eSLOG 2.0 eInvoice standard as of 1 June 2019. During the transitional period or until the discontinuation of eSLOG 1.6, the eSLOG 1.6 and 2.0 standards are used.
  • At its 7th meeting on 16 June 2015, the Forum endorsed the Code of Electronic Exchange Network Providers, which governs the rules on interconnection and business between providers. The purpose of defining these rules is to ensure an adequate level of quality of the exchange service and, following the model of the telecommunications networks, to enable any issuer to exchange eDocuments with the recipient, regardless of the network on which they are located.
    Code of Electronic Exchange Network Providers. (In Slovenian)
  • Secure electronic inboxes should be used for exchanging eDocuments, as exchanging eDocuments via email does not guarantee reliability of delivery, issuer identification and traceability of delivery. Business partners are advised against using email to exchange eDocuments.

Interesting content

The latest Billentis 2019-2025 report has been published. It is available free of charge at this link. The eInvoicing in Slovenia publication was prepared within the ROSE project and represents the current status of eInvoicing and the advantage of its use, and places it in a wider European context. View the publication.The report of the European eInvoicing Forum, which provides an overview of the situation and the recommendations in the field of eInvoice transmission and interoperability. View the report.